As summer draws to a close, days get shorter and the Southwest Florida heat begins to show signs of lifting, Labor Day is the unofficial finish line of the season. Traditionally spent wiling away the hours of the 3-day weekend poolside, barbecuing or at the beach, this year Dwayne Bergmann is determined to make the most of the last summer holiday.

Often, it’s the most time consuming activities that yield the greatest reward. The more you put in, the more you get out! Dwayne applies this mindset to his professional life just as he does at home. During the upcoming Labor Day weekend, he and the twins will put their energies towards high net endeavors. Harvesting the fruits of their labor, literally, gardening is high on the agenda. Prepping their plantings for the next growing season, they’ll have fun making memories while getting their hands dirty. Putting their home-grown produce and herbs to good use, Dwayne plans to get creative with some veggie infused breads and end of season salads.

Teaching the lessons of keeping a healthy happy home, Dwayne plans to dive into a deep cleanse in preparation for fall. Assigning tasks and rewards for accomplishing various cleaning tasks throughout their home, the boys will be involved in the process. Using lemons and herbs from their garden, he’ll create sustainable, harmless organic cleaning products to enliven and refresh. Dusting off the sand from the long days of summer fun, they’ll work together this Labor Day to make a fresh start just in time for back to school.